Friday, January 20, 2012

Last Friday Night...

Friday Night + Best Friend= EPIC.

Hell Week's finally over, and now I get to R-E-L-A-X.
I hung-out with my best bud in the whole Milky Way, and we did some pretty boring stuff.

We lazy butts jogged. Jogged. JOGGED. We just felt like it. though we had our minor aches (minor? REALLY?), we never felt this happy when we jogged before. Of course, after every work out, we should refill ourselves. FOOD FOOD FOOD!

Origami. She found this origami app in my iPhone, and then she started asking me to get paper and stuff, and I'm like "Ambot sa imo, di ako yaya" (In English "You're a butt, I'm not a maid.." or something like that) he...he....he... Don't even ask the outcome of our glorious paper folding. Starts with an "F" and rhymes with "tale"... Yes FAIRYTAIL. (I'm incredibly stupid)..

Badminton./ˈbadmintn/ (n):A game with rackets in which a shuttlecock is volleyed across a net.

Bahahaha. More like a game full of laughs and joy. Seriously, my jaw was hurt from laughing. 

The streets we so quiet, too quiet, but it never stopped us from being noisy. F*ck the PO-PO!

Something miraculous also happened last night, but I'd tell it in another post. SUSPENSE.

See 'ya.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

3 down, 4 to go...

TWO CONSECUTIVE BLOG POSTS. I deserve an award for this.
So, today's the first day of our major exams. It was so EASY, I could finish it with my eyes closed. But then, I remembered I was a sarcastic-pessimistic-pigrilicious loser, and it was all a sick dream which someday will come true... when elephants lay eggs. (Pigrilicious is a word, don't you dare argue with me)

So yeah, I didn't really review seriously, but hey, I'm still alive, aren't I? It just goes to show that, ice cream is better than raisins. hell yes.

I also watched WWE Raw today (Monday Night RAW: Thursday in the Philippines), since I missed watching it. I don't know most of the new wrestlers. I DID NOT LIVE. But I felt so happy watching it again. I missed watching those scripted moves, those f*cking swear words, those big butts, and the boos. Royal Rumble's in two weeks, and I'm gonna watch. I'd cry my eyeballs out if I didn't... well, not really.

I don't know if you're wondering... but yes, I have reviewed my lessons... if you call looking at your notes reviewing.

I don't know what to say anymore, so ADJOURN. (I finally get to use a complicated word, YAY!)
Stay dskfdjsfhsdkjfsdkfa-ly :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I don't know what to feel anymore...

You see, I passed my dream school. WELL DUH, YOU'D BE BLIND IF YOU DIDN'T.
The sad part is, most of my classmates who took the USTET... failed.
So I guess I was happy, for a short time.
I felt sad, and I wanted to comfort them, but they might think I'm only cheering them up because I pity them.
That's why today, I was kinda feeling that they weren't feeling me.
(as if that made sense)


I didn't pass UP. HAHAHAHA. I'm not surprised, but honestly, I thought I was gonna be wait-listed or something. But IDC now. I HAVE UST.

(I'm sorry for my long, and I mean really long absence. But now, I'll really try to update as soon as I can)