Thursday, January 19, 2012

3 down, 4 to go...

TWO CONSECUTIVE BLOG POSTS. I deserve an award for this.
So, today's the first day of our major exams. It was so EASY, I could finish it with my eyes closed. But then, I remembered I was a sarcastic-pessimistic-pigrilicious loser, and it was all a sick dream which someday will come true... when elephants lay eggs. (Pigrilicious is a word, don't you dare argue with me)

So yeah, I didn't really review seriously, but hey, I'm still alive, aren't I? It just goes to show that, ice cream is better than raisins. hell yes.

I also watched WWE Raw today (Monday Night RAW: Thursday in the Philippines), since I missed watching it. I don't know most of the new wrestlers. I DID NOT LIVE. But I felt so happy watching it again. I missed watching those scripted moves, those f*cking swear words, those big butts, and the boos. Royal Rumble's in two weeks, and I'm gonna watch. I'd cry my eyeballs out if I didn't... well, not really.

I don't know if you're wondering... but yes, I have reviewed my lessons... if you call looking at your notes reviewing.

I don't know what to say anymore, so ADJOURN. (I finally get to use a complicated word, YAY!)
Stay dskfdjsfhsdkjfsdkfa-ly :)

1 comment:

  1. Wrestling is not exactly scripted... :)) But they usually know what to do, but an exact script? ITDS. :P
