Saturday, March 24, 2012

The 11 whatever-you-call-it challenge

It's funny, I really feel like blogging right now. And thanks to Dane and Myka, I HAVE SOMETHING TO BLOG ABOUT.
I need to be tagged to answer this challenge, and heck yeah I am. Thanks, Myks. :)

The task is: "to say 11 things about yourself and answer my questions provided below. You should do the same by providing 11 questions and tagging others as well.-- I hope I don't bore you, guys, because I'm seriously boring. 

NUMBAH 1: I'm Childish.
 It's hard to elaborate that simple phrase.  I don't know, I just am. I really don't like acting all grown up. I enjoy being a kid because it's more fun and exciting. I'm not ashamed of acting like this in public. Yes, people tell me sometimes "stop that" or "that's embarrassing", and I'm like "look at all the fucks I give." I hate kids who are younger than me, but acts like they're 17 or older. Hello, your life's better than ours, don't waste it. That's why I consider people who understand me being childish my true friends.

NUMBAH 2: I Play Musical Instruments.
Well, just the guitar, and violin, and a wee-bit of flute. It's one of my dreams to play every musical instrument there is. It's just so fun to play music, because my singing can destroy a whole building. I'm currently trying to play the piano. I had lessons when I was a child, only I slept throughout those lessons. Yes, even as a kid, I was so badass. 

NUMBAH 3: I Love Being Sarcastic.
"Really?" "No, I was just joking." SEE?! I can't answer a single question seriously. (Unless I'm in the mood, or  you're a stranger)  I'm already boring enough, the least I could do is liven up the things I say. Of course, if you don't know me, you'll find me as a serious and shy person. But when you get to know me, let's just say "the beast is unleashed."

I LOVE THE LAND OF THE RISING SUN.  I LOVE THE FOOD. Sushi, Ramen, Rice Cakes. GIMME SOME OF THEM BABY. I LOVE THE ANIME. Just a fun fact, I'm an anime addict, and I'm currently in a relationship with Uchiha Sasuke. I LOVE PLACES. It's beautiful there, just like me.  I READ MANGAS. Do I have to say something about this one? THEY HAVE SUPER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY. If only they can make a time machine. THEY HAVE SUPER AWESOME RIDES TOO. If I were to have a chance to go here, I'D PROBABLY ACCEPT IT, DUH.

NUMBAH 5: I'm Competitive.
It's something people don't really see in me (or so I think.). I hate losing. I may be "it's okay guys, we'll get 'em next time" on the outside, but on the inside I'm like "oh hell no. I will not accept this." Consider yourself lucky if I get lazy. Which brings us to...

NUMBAH 6: Lazy.
Need I say anything?

NUMBAH 7: Yes to K-dramas, No to K-pop.
I like Korean Dramas, mostly because of the cute guys. Koreans are cute. But, I don't like K-pop. To tell you the truth, I used  to like it, but it became irritating to me. I don't even understand the lyrics. My jumbling's close enough. And THEY'RE MOSTLY GROUPS. I've had enough of that.  

NUMBAH 8: Sometimes, I Can't Finish Something.
Like this sen-

NUMBAH 9: I'm Not That Girly.
(I do have two older BROTHERS) I hate most of the girly clothes. I wear my clothes like a guy. I don't pimp myself up. I'm not even tidy. (Resident Pig here) I like what guys like. I don't like make-up, or jewelry. But I do collect those native-like bracelets.  I act guy-ish too.  But, one girly thing about me is that I really like cute guys. 

NUMBAH 10: I Like Horror/Thriller, Violent, and Gore Movies/Games.
They're EXCITING, AND FUN. Instead  of being scared, I usually just laugh it out. It's funny when you see bloody bodies, splattered eyeballs, and other gruesome things. Y'know, the killing, and the zombies, and the hy'uk. It gives me smiles. :)

NUMBAH 11:  Adventurous.
I don't like staying at home. I want to go to different places, and do different things. I can't just stay in one place and do nothing. I NEED TO GO OUTDOORS, FOR PETE'S SAKE. I WANNA EXPERIENCE CRAZY THINGS.

As you can see, I got lazy answering while it went on. Blame no. 6. Now, the question part,
1. What is your current favorite song and why?
   -  I guess... Hiling by Silent Sanctuary. This song just explains what I'm really feeling. If you knew my whole crushing life, you would know that this song's perfect for me.
2. If you have to say something about your blog, what would it be?
   - boring. I don't update regularly. But maybe this summer, that "boring" might become "interesting".  Don't expect too much.
3. What do you do on a rainy day?
  - I'd usually surf the net. But when it's cold, I'd just turn of the lights, play some good music, sleep, and enjoy the weather.
4. When everything seems to be down and out, and no one is there to cheer you up, what would you do to cheer yourself up?
  - Simple, eat.
5. What are you looking forward to?
  - Graduation, and outings.
6. What is your favorite book?
   - S'hard. But I guess it would be...  The Chronicles of Narnia (All 7 books). 
7. If you had a chance to change something in this world, what would it be?
  - how racists look at others. Everyone is the same, don't hate them because they're different. 
8. How do you see yourself in the next five years?
  - Maybe, thin, and working. :)
9. If you had a chance to do something different and daring, what would it be?
  - ANYTHING DIFFERENT AND DARING BECAUSE I LOVE IT. Like maybe bungee jumping, or jumping off a helicopter.
10. What is your favorite movie?
  - The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Simpsons Movie. :D
11. Who is your favorite celebrity?
  -atm, Elizabeth Gillies and Jennette McCurdy.  ALL TIME: SKANDAR KEYNES.

Since I'm such a badass, I'm not gonna tag anyone. YEAH.

See ya.

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